Afonso Xavier Canosa Rodriguez

On philology, potatoes and construction.
Well, this is just my first approach to blog-writing. I want it to be the way to keep in touch with colleagues and friends.

info at canosarodriguez dotnet

Mmmm, yeah, just some... LINKS !!! to go on
Not and endless node forwarding to more links again, do not panic!!!

A couple of them, both lead to real content. It is just that even if not much, I have been active online these years. So, my blog must mention:

* A translation of the story of Pwyll in Annwfn (first branch of the Mabinogi) from Welsh into Galizan-Portuguese. The Spanish translation was read at the Conference ETNOARQUEOLOGÍA DE LOS CELTAS EN HISPANIA (Ortigueira, 2006). If you are interested in this version, please do send me an e-mail as I haven't published it yet.

* An article on interactive fiction, translations and a literary review can be found at the e-zine on fantasy and SF:

Interactive fiction (Pt)
Cabal em Annwfn (Pwyll, first branch of the Mabinogi) (Pt)
Subject: philology - Published 27-12-2007 12:56
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Solanum tuberosum
From time to time growing and working with potatoes is my main activity. For the past two years I have been living abroad so I haven't been so involved in farming as I did on previous years.

I regard myself as a farmer as far as potatoes are concerned. Of course, my interest in potatoes goes further. From edaphology to food processing.

Potatoes are just amazing to me. Their possibilities. In a world were starving is still a main global concern, it happens to be one of the best (if not the best) sources of energy for a healthy diet.

The Solanum tuberosum adapts quite easy to different enviroment conditions and I expect it to play a leading role in the human exploration and colonization of our neighbour planets.

Its organoleptic proprieties and a relative lack of tradition in our gastronomy (it is just some centuries ago that it became part of the diet out from South America) make it a source of new discoveries for new dishes and food.

So, if you have a good recipe you want to share, I very much welcome it.
Subject: potatoes - Published 26-12-2007 17:14
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More than passion
We are more than 6000 million people in this planet. In this section I will deal with some subjects that, probably, interest just 4 or 5 people (with no zeros at all after the digit) in the whole of humanity at present time. Sometimes these numbers are too optimistic :-)

Philology is my main activity in spare time. For the past years I have been working in the translation of the first branch of the Mabinogi, a collection of stories originally written in Welsh (Celtic language from Great Britain).

My main area of work and interest is diachronic linguistics. I have worked and did research in dialectology, and have developed some work in the field of media and language diversity. (I came to take part as a founder in Abertal as the result of my effort for applying Internet to language diversity).

In the past years I took some interest in literature. I wrote some articles in and at present time I am working on the poetic function of language (I am more interested in its connections with music).

I keep quite constant in diachronic linguistics. Secondary subjects (such as the ones mentioned in the previous paragraph) are dealt with just for short periods of time: new ones come and take their place, or they just become too complex for me to deal with.

Too many interesting fields. A single life is not enough to deal with them all.

Subject: philology - Published 26-12-2007 16:58
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How it all began
So, when you live in a farm, it is quite common to spend sometime of the year with building activities... let's say that even if not as a main task, it is something I am used to deal with.

However it all changes when you devote yourself to building as a full-time, permanent job. I began building a house with 2 other men in 2004. 6 months to finish the basic structure.

Later on I worked with several small companies as a brick-layer assistant, doing a little bit of everything. I am proud of having worked, in my very beginnings, with some of the best professionals I happened to meet until present.

My main field of activity is concrete. Until present I have dealt with country-houses, an up to 4 floor residential building, and some big structures for industrial uses.

I have worked in Galiza for 2 years.
Later on I moved to Zaragoza where I worked mainly with pipelines for 2 months. I highlight the fact of having dealt with a well equipped team where topography made our work not only easier but as accurate as I haven't seen again. We carried on our activity in a very large area: usually I am limited in a small, well-defined ground, hence topography, even if a must, is more basic.

I moved to Catalonia. Different places around the Costa Brava and the Selva building luxury resorts, and, finally, a residential area of 10 individual units.

I came to Switzerland in 2007 where I worked as an assistant mainly in the building of concrete-structures of industrial buildings.
Subject: construction - Published 26-12-2007 14:41
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Just some basic info about me
So, here I am... it was in 1995 when I first built a website. I am back, thanks to my friends at Abertal Networks (a company we founded in 1997) which provides me with the blog technology to make it just a matter of writing and pasting.

Time goes by. And I happen to meet new, interesting people every year. Thus I need a way to keep in touch and just to say I am still here, what I do, where I am, where I want to go.

To begin with I will try to keep myself focused on three subjects:

philology: my passion since I was a child. I studied at university, worked full-time in related fields and it is still one of the most important activities in my life. Abertal even if an internet company is a product of this activity as far as my contribution is concerned.

For the past years I mainly devoted to diachronic linguistics and the translation of the Mabinogi.

potatoes: An activity I devoted myself to since I were a child as well. My mother owns a small farm which produces, mmm, yeah, potatoes. So I am more than familiar with the solanum tuberosum...

construction: there was a time I needed to do something different. Move away. Therefore I began to work at the construction sector. This is my fourth year dealing mainly with concrete and travelling from Galizaland to Aragon, Catalonia, and Switzerland.
Subject: about - Published 26-12-2007 13:56
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