Afonso Xavier Canosa Rodriguez

On philology, potatoes and construction.
Well, this is just my first approach to blog-writing. I want it to be the way to keep in touch with colleagues and friends.

info at canosarodriguez dotnet

New season (and the previous one)
It was only last week that the first potatoes were planted this year.

The seeds for these earliest plants come from tubers left from the previous season, usually those that have minor damages (cuts, shape, colour). Those with severe damages go for compost and become soil that shows excellent properties to grow, for instance, tree seedlings.

Not many, but there are still potatoes from the previous season ready for consumption. There should be enough until the new ones come. At this time of the year, their taste is slightly sweeter. To show their organoleptic properties, last month, together with a chemist with an interest in functional foods and an excellent team of professionals from a restaurant in a city nearby, I organized a dinner to introduce a crepe made of potatoes. It was served as a side for fish and vegetables. A project that started a decade ago. Like seeds that become blossomed plants from where new tubers grow, some ideas need time to become a real product.
Subject: potatoes - Published 23-04-2018 22:47
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