Afonso Xavier Canosa Rodriguez

On philology, potatoes and construction.
Well, this is just my first approach to blog-writing. I want it to be the way to keep in touch with colleagues and friends.

info at canosarodriguez dotnet

Starting to harvest

Small pieces of land each time. Using a plow instead of a harvester both to prospect and harvest the crop of some more irregular areas.
Subject: potatoes - Published 19-08-2013 21:18
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Open petals

Since the seeds were planted until the plants were full grown, it was rainy every single day. The plants grew healthy and the sun came, a month ago, when they were beginning to bloom.
Subject: potatoes - Published 05-08-2013 17:44
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Maintenance painting (some brush and roller) on outside walls
Good weather to paint some outside walls. Using a brush to cut in the edges and a roller for the rest of the surface. The walls were already painted, no primer, only a washing down was needed.

Two coats were applied, the first one slightly watered.
Subject: construction - Published 05-08-2013 17:39
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The last one (at least took part)
The UNDL Foundation organised the II UNL Olympiad, an event to promote the use of the Universal Networking Language (UNL). Among other uses, the UNL is intended to serve as a pivot language for a global machine translation system.

I decided to participate less than a week before the deadline. It took me three days to prepare the basic corpus and a grammar.

To be the last one in the only modality I took part in!

Congratulations to all the winners, silver and bronze medals included.
Subject: philology - Published 05-08-2013 17:22
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© by Abertal

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