Afonso Xavier Canosa Rodriguez

On philology, potatoes and construction.
Well, this is just my first approach to blog-writing. I want it to be the way to keep in touch with colleagues and friends.

info at canosarodriguez dotnet

Batampina river and public works
I spent most of the time this year with The travels of Mendes Pinto trying to identify place names. Those elements of a text that, instead of being searched in a dictionary, you would rather look for in an encyclopedia or an atlas.

Not that easy!

Batampina is just an example: very carefully described, with clear and well-known points of references (city of Nanjing), Mendes Pinto depicts his journey from Nanjing to Beijing through a so-called Batampina river. ...A river?! Not that I could track on a map!

Until I found the biggest network of navigable waterways and the longest canal of the world.

Public works and, as far as Mendes Pinto was concerned, minimum environmental impact.
Subject: philology - Published 18-06-2012 20:40
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Late season

Due to rainy weather, late season potatoes were planted later than usual. The plants have already sprouted and begin to develop their first leaves over a no bigger than five centimeters stem. This is how much an average size plant has grown to date.

Subject: potatoes - Published 18-06-2012 20:34
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Still refractory
I spent most of the past two months in refractory activities again. Not the best job I have ever had, not the one I like the most. A job. These days you cannot ask too much. Let's see what the future brings.
Subject: construction - Published 18-06-2012 20:32
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© by Abertal

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